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Expanded Perspective

We all stand on the shoulders of giants. One in particular that I have been pondering for the last few months is Robert Pirsig who wrote a book that, after I had finished reading and put it down, changed the way that I see the world. Since seeing the reports of his death about six months ago, I find myself coming back more frequently to his notion of the classic-romantic split. It is something that I had never really put my finger on before, but once shown to me in his writings, suddenly I see it everywhere. In a real sense, it seems to be one of the basic attributes of the world. I have found many of his ideas on other themes useful as well. He was a particularly engaging companion to take a stroll with, in the same kind of way as Thoreau, but without the mild abrasiveness of Thoreau’s sanctimony. Good philosophy and accessible, even more fortunately I happened to read his works during a rather fitting season of my life.

Official Duude Seal of Approval. Recommend you pick up a second hand copy on your next trip to the book exchange.